Tuesday, October 27, 2015

2052 (episode 11)

(This is a continuation of episode 10)

**After hours of waking the team decides to take a break**

Melta: **Sits on a rock and starts breathing heavy**

Jake: **Sits beside her** You ok?

Melta: I-I think so. **Breathing heavier**

Jack: **Taps Rodger's shoulder and points to Melta** What's wrong with her?

Rodger: I don't know **Walks over by Melta and Jack** Melta are you okay?

Nicky,Melone&Seth: **Far off looking for food and supplies** 

Melta: I-I don't know......I just got dizzy for some reason.

Jack: Just great **Sighs**   The one whose supposed to kill the the BEAST! Is dying that's just perfect!

Melta: **Mumbling** I'm not dying.

Jake: **Walks close to Jack and hits him** Hey calm the Fallen down! No one is dying!....Go find the others and come back calm and with them when you do!

Jack: **Takes a deep breathe** Y-Yeah your right.....Sorry about that Melta.......I'll go get them. **Grabs his helmet and gun and runs off looking for the others**  

Rodger: Melta? your dizzy and?

Melta: I'm dizzy and I feel v-very w-weak.

Jake: **Sits down next to Melta** Try to stand up or at least from light in the palm of your hand.

Melta: **Tries to from light** I-I can't I'm too weak.

Jake: Rodger!

Rodger: What?!

Jake: Go get the others and bring back a lifae a-a purple one....she'll die if she don't get it.

Rodger: Why do I have to-

Jake: Do you know CPR?

Rodger: No.

Jake: THEN GO!

(To be continued)

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