Thursday, September 17, 2015

2052 (episode 5)

(this is a continuation of episode 4)

Nicky: **grabs a hold of Melta** SIS?!?!! YOUR THE... THE ONE!!!

Melta: **very confused** w-what a-are y-you talking about!?!??!

Nicky: **let's go of her and sits back down,looking down he says** for many years us guardians...... Freedom fighters have been looking for the one... The one who frightens the Fallen.... The one who can kill the Fallen with a touch and I **stands up and looks at her serious** I now know it's you

Melta: w-what????!!!  I'm only 15! I can't kill the Fallen!

Nicky: yes you can.... My queen **he kneels on one knee looking down** no matter what happens...


Nicky: **he looks up, tears all down his face** I WILL PROTECT YOU! no matter what! I'll be your guardian! Rather you like it or not I WILL NOT LOSE YOU AGAIN!

Melta: N-nicky-

Nicky: no! **he quickly stands up and hugs her very tightly while crying** I will not fail you again! Until my dying breathe...... Even on my dying breathe I will be protecting you! Little sis please forgive I will never let you down again!

Melta: **teared up**......

Nicky:.... **let's her go slowly and backs away with his head down** I understand if you can't forgive me... **he walks out**

Melta: **in shock** w-what just happened?! **she looks down at her hands** c-can I r-really? 
Can I really kill the Fallen with a touch?!

**80 minutes later**

Melta: **still in her room has yet to come out, laying across her bed** if it's so I need to go... I need answers.... How can I kill the Fallen?! This is a craze maze that's all yeh it's a dream

Jake: **knocks on her room door** hey... I heard what happened... Can I come in?

Melta: **stands up and opens the door** oh uh J-Jake..

Jake: uh **bows** my warrior queen

Melta: noooo nooooooooo I'm not a queen! **she pulls him up** don't bow! Please

Jake: S-sorry.... **he mumbles** Eh this is worth a shot **he kisses her on the cheek**

(to be continued)

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